Oct 8, 2007

Can't Shake It

I cannot shake the overwhelming desire to spend at least a year traveling the globe. I guess I got bit by the infamous travel bug. I know that a trip of this magnitude is in the distant future, as much as I desire for it to start tomorrow. But I want to start planning and dreaming. So if you or someone you know have ideas of where to go what to see or whom to stay with start posting away. Dream with me.


Jenn - The Army Wife Life said...

I would definitely go to Rothenburg, Germany. The medieval walled city of eternal Christmas. It was my favorite place in all of Germany. Also, Mali Losinj, Croatia. White sand beaches, crystal blue water, and none of the tourists.

I could go on and on.... :-)

JennToodles said...

I have been reading that book you got me (Eat Pray Love) and I am with you. I would love to travel. I think that I am going to go abroad for student teaching, what do you think? want to visit me in a foreign land?

I think that you should just go to Italy! just pack up and leave and live there until you have had your fill of any thing and every thing Italian!

quotes i love

  • "they will never care how much you know until they know how much you care."
  • "never be afraid to trust a well known God with an unknown future." - Corrie Ten Boom
  • "God doesn't need you, He loves you, that is much better."
  • "the world has yet to see what God can do through a man/woman who is totally commited to him." - D.L. Moody
  • "be who you is, cause if is ain't who you is, you is who you ain't."-
  • "some people say movies should be more like real life. I say real life should be more like the movies."