If you are a 20-30 something individual I invite you to join us each Sunday night for RAW. A hour set aside for Real Authentic Worship of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are meeting in the Mount Hermon Chapel located on Conference Drive in Mount Hermon.
We will begin our time of worship at 7pm and I really hope that you can join us as we spend time in Song, Prayer, Thought, Silence and Community.
OK, Trinity, you've captured my interest. How did this idea come about? Why this age group? How did you score the chapel at MH? What model are you using for this?
And a blog just for rants and ramblings? How cool is that?
Blessings on this idea!
Well Dan-o,
I am glad we captured your interest. This idea is based originally on the Sunday Night Sings that take place at Mount Hermon during the Summer months for Summer Staff. Along with the fact that there are so many 20-30 somethings in this area who are not plugged in anywhere. When I first thought of the idea, I had wanted to host it in a different church members home each Sunday night, but then I realized that the logistics of that would make it difficult for newcomers to find us and advertising would be a nightmare.
Then after talking with Brittany at Felton Presbyterian Church we both thought of making this a combined ministry, because we both were feeling the need and had the passion for it.
Somewhere along the way we shared the idea with Heidi and Joe Allen and Jonathan Bates, and they all jumped on board. We decided that we would meet and pray and dream with God once a week for the last month, and it is out of all that that RAW was conceived.
We are not following any set model. But we are meeting for an hour of worship. And that hour will include time for silence, prayer, song, art, and readings from scripture or another book as it fits. Our theme for this first month is Hope.
And yes a blog just for ramblings and rants is great.
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